Team News Riveting
Raipur, January 30
The 4th Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture was held at the Hidayatullah National Law University in Raipur Chhattisgarh on Thursday that also coincides with Martyr’s Day.
The lecture, centered on the theme of The Eternal Relevance of Gandhi’s views on Law and Justice was delivered by Prof (Dr) R Venkata Rao, Vice-Chancellor, IIULER Goa and Distinguished Jurist Professor, HNLU.
Prof Vivekanandan, Vice-Chancellor of HNLU in his opening remarks reflected on Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence (Ahimsa) and truth (Satyagraha), emphasizing their continued relevance in today’s world and introduced the speaker of the Memorial Lecture – Prof. R Venkat Rao as a befitting invitee to deliver the lecture.
Prof Venkat Rao, in his memorial lecture highlighted Mahatma Gandhi’s profound influence on legal ethics, justice, and the role of law in society, emphasizing his timeless principles of truth, non-violence, and human dignity. Prof. Rao underscored that Gandhi was not just a political leader but also a profound legal thinker who advocated for a morally conscious legal profession.
His legal philosophy was rooted in the belief that justice must be aligned with truth and social welfare. He highlighted Gandhian approach giving primacy to ethical lawyering, preferring reconciliation over litigation and prioritizing service to society over personal gain. The talk also highlighted Gandhi’s critique of unbridled industrialization and urbanization, his advocacy for decentralized governance, and his insistence that lawyers should work towards dispute resolution rather than fueling conflicts.
The speaker highlighted Gandhi’s emphasis that legal practice should not be a means of personal enrichment but a tool for social service remains relevant today. Prof Rao further reflected on Gandhi’s insistence on truth in legal proceedings, recounting how he refused to manipulate facts to win cases. His preference for arbitration and compromise as means of dispute resolution was also emphasized as a
model for contemporary legal reforms.
Prof (Dr) Yogendra Srivastava, Dean, PG Studies delivered the Welcome Address and Dr Deepak Kumar Srivastava, Registrar (I/c) delivered the Vote of Thanks. The programme was seamlessly anchored by Vinit Bachwani, final year student, HNLU. The event also saw the release of HNLU Journal of Law and Social Sciences -Volume X – Issue II by the dignitaries.
The 4th Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture is a part of HNLU’s ongoing annual tradition, initiated in 2022, to honor and disseminate the teachings of the Father of the Nation. This series of lectures have become a cornerstone in HNLU’s efforts to inspire and educate future leaders in the principles of enlightened governance and leadership, as espoused by Mahatma Gandhi.