Team News Riveting
Raipur, November 4
IEEE Student Branch of IIIT-NR organized a seminar, ‘Technical Evening on Data Science’ to enlighten the students with the benefits of data science engineering, which will be one of the premium fields in the near future.
Renowned Guests, namely Dr. Amol C. Goje, President of the Society for Data Science, Dr. Neha Sharma, Founder Secretary Society for Data Science, and Prof. Aditya Nigam from IIT Mandi participated in the seminar. While addressing the seminar, Prof Rajesh Ingle, Vice Chairman of the IEEE India Council, talked about strengthening the organization at the State level.
He appreciated the efforts of members of IEEE that the IEEE has supported on a remarkable level in the state. He also talked about the benefits of being a member of IEEE.
Following him, Dr. Srinivasa K G, Professor and Head of the Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Programme at IIIT-Naya Raipur talked about Data Science and its importance. He also threw light on IIIT-NR work in the field of Data Science.
The expert guest Dr. Neha Sharma explained about the basics of Data Science using the data set and graphs of infected people during the pandemic in a region and how this data was used to take corrective decisions. Dr. Amol Goje talked about how his innovative computer mobile van project was economically sustainable for providing computer education in rural areas.
Through this, he helped several underprivileged people in the rural areas. Dr. Aditya Nigam talked about his work in biometrics and image processing and how Data Science played an essential role in his career. He spoke in detail about the applications of Data Science in variousemerging fields like visual effects in film making, bio medicine, etc.
During the program, the Society of Data Science members felicitated Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sinha, Director IIIT-NR, with the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ physically, for his contributions to the Data Science and Information Technology. The award was announced in January this year in a virtual ‘International Conference on Data Management, Analytics and Innovation 2022’. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Sinha
expressed his gratitude towards the members of data science for recognising his work. He also thanked all the experts who spent precious time visiting their institute and enlightened the students.
The program concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Maifuz Ali, IEEE Student Branch Counsellor of IIIT-NR.