IIIT-Raipur launches health awareness in vicinity village

An IIIT-Naya Raipur initiative

Team News Riveting

Raipur, January 27

The IIIT Naya Raipur’s Institute Social Responsibility (ISR) Cell in collaboration with the National Service Scheme (NSS) cell conducted a health awareness program at neighbouring village Bendri to mark the 72nd Republic Day.

Under the program, masks and sanitizers were distributed to highlight the importance of hygiene and health. IIIT-NR ISR members also distributed sweets to the children.

A meeting was organised by following all the pandemic protocols at the Gram Panchayat Bhavan of Bendri to educate the villagers regarding Clean and Green India. Faculty and staff members of IIIT-NR highlighted about the affordable and accessible healthcare facilities available for the under-privileged sections of the society and the need to bring behavioural change regarding sanitation practises, plantation and sustainable development, to fulfil the dream of Clean and Green India.

Dr. Mithilesh Chaube, Head of ISR at IIIT-NR and Dr. Lakhinder Murmu, Head of NSS activities of the institute, informed the villagers about basic health and hygiene practices that they should follow as preventive measures against the numerous communicable diseases and the ongoing pandemic.

“Following the basic hygiene practices are all about bringing a behavioural change in the people. The value of hygiene and health in our daily life is pivotal. Only clean and green surroundings can save the environment, ecosystem and nurture life on earth,” said Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Chaube.

From IIIT-Naya Raipur, Harish Kumar, Assistant Registrar, Amit Singh, Ranjeet Singh Thakur were also present.

Dr. P.K. Sinha, Vice Chancellor and Director of IIIT-NR, said that at IIIT-NR they encouraged socially-relevant activities and kept on motivating the faculties and the students to organize and carry out such programs for the benefit and upliftment of the society.

He further added that he believed that as educated citizens, it was their responsibility to constantly engage in the betterment of society and improve our surroundings.

“It was an informative program and we really appreciate the efforts of IIIT-NR faculty and officials who came to village to educate us on the healthy living practices. We will definitely use the masks and sanitizers distributed by them,” Indra Kumar, Bendri Village Sarpanch, said.

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