She was supposed to be going to college carrying bag and books. But the nineteen-year-old girl is equipped with the lethal weapon, guarding the border to prevent Hezbollah infiltrators from crossing into Israel.
The girl, name withheld for security reasons, is one among hundreds of female Israeli Defense Forces soldier keeping a close vigil on the Israel-Lebanon border. And they have been discharging their duties effectively.
Early this week, one of the female soldiers serving as a border lookout, spotted a suspicious group of men in the Har Dov area close to the Israel-Lebanon Blue Line. She immediately raised the alarm about the potential Hezbollah terror cell attempting to cross into Israel.
IDF forces opened fire on the group, forcing them to retreat after a brief gunbattle.
Army Spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Cornicus said in a statement that the “Infiltration was successfully thwarted. The terrorists retreated back to Lebanon. We have no information if any of the perpetrators were wounded or killed.”
According to Israel’s Channel 13 News, the girl posted on her Instagram account, writing, “Who would have believed that I would thwart an incident like that?”
Speaking to the Channel, her mother said she was proud of her daughter and at first couldn’t believe S had such a critical role in stopping the infiltration. When she messaged her mother that she’d been the lookout responsible for spotting the terrorist, “I thought she was playing a joke on us,” her mother said. “I asked her if she was telling the truth and she said ‘yes, it was me.’”
Kiryat Motzkin, from where the girl hails, heaped praise on the young soldier. For, they say she has become the darling of the city.