Minister sacked for shady deal, sent to police custody

Vijay Singla

Team News Riveting

Chandigarh, May 24

Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Tuesday sacked Health Minister Vijay Singla over corruption charges.

Later, the Minister was arrested and produced before a court in Mohali from where he was sent to police remand for three days.

The Chief Minister said the health minister was involved in corruption cases and they had proof. Before taking stringent action, Mann reported rang his Minister and played the audio in which the latter was demanding money.

He was allegedly asking for kickbacks in a tender.  Singla was allegedly taking one per cent commission on all tenders floated by Health and Family Welfare department.

Mann said that the decision was taken to ensure that his government remains free of corrupt practices.

“I am taking strict action against the minister. I am removing him from the Cabinet. We have found substantial proof of his involvement in corruption case. I do not care if the Opposition parties want to use this to hit out at us, saying a minister removed on corruption charges within two months. The point is that we will not tolerate anyone indulging in such malpractices. Our party national convenor has made it clear that corruption will not be tolerated. He had himself removed a minister in Delhi in 2015 after corruption charges were levelled against the minister,” the chief minister said in a video message.

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