More than 1.28 crore doses of vaccine administered during Tika Utsav

Team News Riveting

New Delhi, April 15

India has been scaling multiple peaks in its effort to vaccinate vulnerable sections of its population against the COVID-19 virus.

The clarion call given by the Prime Minister of observing the days between April 11 and 14 as ‘Tika Utsav’ saw many Vaccination Centres (CVCs) operational across the private and public workplaces. On an average 45,000 CVCs used to be functional on any given day. On Day-1, Day-2, Day-3 and Day-4 of the four day “Tika Utsav”, 63,800, 71,000, 67,893 and 69,974 CVCs were active, respectively.

Additionally, on an average, Sunday use to witness lower levels of vaccination numbers (about 16 lakh). But, on the first day of Tika Utsav, which was a Sunday, more than 27 lakh vaccine doses were administered till 8 pm.

The four days of Tika Utsav saw intense vaccination activity. 29,33,418 vaccination doses were given on 11th April, another 40,04,521 were administered the next day. The corresponding figure for 13th and 14th April stands at 26,46,528 and 33,13,848.

The total vaccination figures during the Tika Utsav saw a jump of 1,28,98,314 vaccine doses being administered to people of the eligible groups across the country.

Three States have administered more than 1 crore vaccinations cumulatively. These are Maharashtra (1,11,19,018), Rajasthan (1,02,15,471) and Uttar Pradesh (1,00,17,650).

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