Team News Riveting
Raipur, January 27
The 72nd Republic Day was celebrated at the NTPC’s Western Region-II headquarters located in Raipur, Chhattisgarh with pomp and gaiety on Tuesday.
The Regional Executive Director (RED), Sanjay Madan unfurled the National Tricolour at the headquarters in Nava Raipur to mark the occasion. President Arpita Mahila Samiti Smt Santosh Madan, CGM(OS) and all HOD’s were also present on the occasion.
While addressing the gathering amidst following pandemic protocols, Madan spoke about the role of NTPC in contributing towards the nation building process and also the share of power stations coming under the orbit of WR-II. He highlighted the seamless operation of all generating units when businesses were severely impacted after stung by COVID-19 induced lockdown.
Madan said NTPC group recorded more than 1 Billion Units (1008.5MU) of daily generation on January 18, 2021, of which WR-II stations shared 20.56 per cent. “Hope all the stations and projects of WR II at Sipat, Korba, Lara, Khargone and Gadarwara will continue to keep up their commendable progress,” he added.
“As of December 2020, our stations Korba and Sipat were at first and second positions among NTPC stations and at second and third positions on all India basis with a PLF of 94.93 per cent,” Madan said. NTPC Korba, the oldest power station of the country’s largest power producer, has demonstrated excellent performance in the fiscal 2020-21 and generated 15990MU until December 20 with a PLF of 93.18 per cent.