Paddy politics intensify in Chhattisgarh, Congress to pay Rs 100 more than BJP

Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel releasing election manifesto

Team News Riveting

Raipur, November 5

Congress surpassed BJP to vow the farmers as the party Sunday released the election manifesto asserting to pay Rs 3200 for a quintal of paddy to be procured in the state.

Just two days ago, BJP has released its election manifesto and promised to pay Rs 3100 for a quintal of paddy procured from the farmers. The move was seen as a big leap forward by the BJP to influence the farmers as Congress claimed to have taken a lead in the rural pocket.

However, the Congress consolidated its position in the pocket and announced to pay Rs 3200 per quintal paddy. Besides, the party has already announced to write off farmers’ loans.  

Chhattisgarh Congress has named its manifesto as Manifesto of Trust. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel released the manifesto simultaneously in Rajnandgaon, Congress state in-charge Kumari Selja in Raipur, Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu in Durg.

Like 2018 state elections, Congress announced farmers’ loans waive off. “As soon as the Congress government was formed in 2018, we had waived off the loans of Rs 9272 crore of 18.5 lakh farmers. This time too, as soon as the Congress government is formed, the loan will be waived off in the same manner.,” party spokesperson said.

The Congress government purchased 20 quintals of paddy per acre. Earlier the state government used to purchase paddy at 15 quintals per acre and from this year it has started purchasing 20 quintal paddy per acre. The input subsidy for paying Rs 3200 will be granted under Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana.

Besides 200 units electricity free, Chhattisgarh Congress announced a subsidy of Rs 500 on gas cylinder. If Congress government is formed again, by implementing “Mahtari Nyay Yojana” for mothers and sisters of all income groups, it will be launched. Free education from KG to PG in all government schools/colleges.

Countering BJP’s Rs 5500, Congress announced to pay Rs 6000 per bag of tendu leaves.  As soon as the Congress government is formed in the state, tendu leaf collectors will now get Rs 6000 per standard bag instead of Rs 4000 and an additional annual bonus of Rs 4000, the spokesperson said. “We will provide housing to 17.5 lakh poor families. The Central Government has not provided houses to 7.5 lakh families eligible for the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. We will provide houses to all those 7.5 lakh families and 10 lakh other needy families under “Mukhyamantri Awas Nyay Yojana”.”

The landless will get Rs 10,000 per year. The amount received by all the beneficiaries under Rajiv Gandhi Landless Agricultural Laborer Justice Scheme will be increased from Rs 7000 per year to Rs 10,000 per year.

The party also promised to convert all government schools into Swami Atmanand schools. The spokesperson said Swami Atmanand would upgrade 6,000 government higher secondary and high schools of the state into English and Hindi medium schools respectively.

In other important promises, the Congress party announced to waive off loans of self-help groups. Keeping in mind the rights of each person according to his population, Congress will conduct caste census in the state so that social justice can be ensured. Taxes and loans of transport businessmen will be waived off.  The outstanding motor vehicle tax amounting to Rs 126 crore till the year 2018, including penalty and interest loan, of more than 66,000 vehicle owners associated with the transport business of the state will be waived off.

The party also promised to set up 700 new Rural Industrial Parks (RIPA) in the coming years. With this, the number of rural industrial centers will increase from 300 to 1000.

Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel said: “Congress manifesto has taken care of the issues related to women, farmers, students, and labourers.”

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