Pakistan claims “clear” evidences of India sponsoring terrorism

Rana Sanaullah

Team News Riveting

Islamabad, December 13

Pakistan claimed that it had clear evidences to establish that India was carrying out terrorist activities in the country.

Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah on Tuesday said the government has decided to present the matter before the international community. He said that the Foreign Office would, henceforth, raise the matter before the world. “India will be exposed because there is clear evidence that it is directly involved,” he said in a press conference in Islamabad, flanked by Punjab Counter Terrorism Department Additional Inspector General Imran Mehmood.

The Minister pointed out that the Johar Town blast case was “complete” in which culprits were caught and substantial evidences was found. “Thus, we have decided to put it before the international community as it will have its own weight and impact.” He added that the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban (TTP) had support from the RAW for terrorist activities in Pakistan.

“For decades, Pakistan has been burning in the fire of terrorism. Our mosques, imambargahs, important buildings, and gatherings have been targeted,” Sanaullah said.

In June 2021, a powerful blast near the residence of Jamaatud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed in Johar Town had killed three people and injured 24 others, including a police constable. Days after the incident, the then information minister Fawad Chaudhry and national security Adviser Dr Moeed Yusuf had said that the mastermind of the attack was “an Indian citizen and he was associated with [Indian intelligence agency] RAW”.

Mehmood said that the CTD had completed the investigation and arrested the culprits who had revealed their links. The agency had clear evidences “which is undeniable about India and RAW’s involvement,” he said.

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