Power consumption grows 7.8 per cent in first half of November

Team News Riveting

New Delhi, November 17

In the first half of November this year, India’s power consumption increased 7.8 per cent to 50.15 billion units (BU), a major parameter to indicate an improvement in economic activity, according to government data.

During the corresponding period last year, the consumption was 46.52 BU between November 1 and 15.

Power consumption amounted to 93.94 BU in November last year. Thus, the extrapolation of half-month data clearly indicates that for the third month in a row, energy consumption will witness year-on-year increase.

Power consumption increased by 4.4 per cent in September this year to 112.24 BU after a period of six months, compared to 107.51 BU in the same month last year. In October of this year, India’s power consumption increased by almost 12 per cent to 109.53 billion units (BU), compared to 97.84 BU in the same month last year.

In the first half of this month, the increase in power consumption indicates that there is a continuous improvement in commercial and industrial demand due to the softening of lockdown restrictions, experts said. On March 25, the government enforced a nationwide lockdown to control the COVID-19 outbreak. As a result of fewer economic activities in the region, power consumption began to decline from March onwards.

For six months in a row, the COVID-19 situation impacted power consumption — from March to August 2020. On a year-on-year basis, power usage decreased by 8.7 per cent in March, 23.2 per cent in April, 14.9 per cent in May, 10.9 per cent in June, 3.7 per cent in July and 1.7 per cent in August.

The data showed that electricity demand in February had increased by 11.73 per cent. The post-lockdown easing of economic activities after April 20 has shown an increase. The maximum power supply in the country in a day, was observed at 160.77 GW in the first half of November (on November 3, 2020), 5.2 per cent higher than 152.77 GW on November 6, 2019.

In the month of November last year, the peak power demand was 155.32GW. At 170.04 GW, 3.52% higher than 164.25 GW in the same month last year the peak power demand met in October was reported.

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