Power Minister pushes for electric vehicles

Union Power Minister R K Singh

Team News Riveting

New Delhi, August 27

As part of its efforts to promote Electric Vehicles in the country, Union Minister of Power and New and Renewable Energy R K Singh has written letter to Union Ministers and Chief Ministers urging to join initiative on transformative mobility.

Besides his cabinet colleagues, Singh asked the Chief Ministers of all the States/UTs to join the Government of India’s initiative on transformative mobility and advice their respective Ministries/Departments to convert their fleet of official vehicles from present Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)/Petrol/Diesel Vehicles to Electric Vehicles for all official purposes.

Such an action is expected to set an example for the general public and encourage them to switch over to E-Mobility. The initiative is part of ongoing GO ELECTRIC CAMPAIGN launched by Government of India to promote Electric Vehicles (EVs) to meet multiple objectives – attaining goal of reduction in emission, energy security, energy efficiency etc.

Centre on Thursday asked all State Electricity Regulatory Commissions to resolve all technical and commercial issues related to electric vehicles (EVs) with special emphasis on the determination of cost-reflective tariff.

Union Minister of Power RK Singh held an interaction with state Electricity Regulators and told them to address all issues related to EVs. He further told them to emphasise the determination of cost-reflective tariff and setting up of an adequate number of the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forums with consumer representatives.

He also discussed various other regulatory issues mainly promotional tariff for the EV charging stations, timely issuance of tariff orders, the financial viability of the Distribution Companies, payment of dues, reduction in AT&C losses, and rolling out of smart metering in prepayment mode.

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