Putin didn’t congratulate Biden!

Vladimir Putin

Team News Riveting

Russian President Vladimir Putin has so far not sent congratulations to Democrat Joe Biden on his US presidential election win.

Experts in international affairs said there could be a lack of chemistry between the two leaders. The outgoing President Donald Trump and Putin always appeared to respect and like each other.

“Something we should keep in mind is that neither Biden nor Putin like each other,” a political analyst in Russian said. There could be personal problems between them and a lack of chemistry, he said, adding that the U.S.-Russia relations are bound to become even more confrontational.

While European leaders congratulated Biden, the winner of the November 3 presidential election Russia stayed silent until Monday, when the Kremlin’s spokesman said that Russia would not comment on the election until the official result was released and that Moscow had noted President Donald Trump’s announcement of legal processes related to the vote.

Nonetheless, a Russian Spokesman told reporters Monday that Putin had repeatedly said he was ready to work with any U.S. leader, and Russia hoped it could establish dialog with the new U.S. administration, and find a way to normalize relations.

The apparent coolness of Russia’s response to the projected win for Biden is in marked contrast to its enthusiastic greeting of Trump’s 2016 election win.

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