Reserve 35 per cent seats in judiciary for women, demands Chhaya Mishra

Team News Riveting

Patna, March 8

On the international women’s day, vice president of Advocates Association, Mrs Chhaya Mishra, on Saturday demanded 35   per cent reservations for women advocates in the posts in judiciary from subordinate judiciary to Supreme Court.

Mrs Chhaya Mishra while speaking at a felicitation ceremony organised by Divya Jirnodhar Foundation at Jagjiwan Ram Institute for Parliamentary studies, said a leading woman advocate, Ms Soni Srivastva has been appointed judge of Patna High Court today. It is insufficient and demanded 35 per cent of judges should be women.

She also asked the state governments and union law and justice ministry to reserve 35 per cent of seats in the Central and state government panels for women.

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