Road, rail link between India and Nepal shut for elections

Mock polling in Nepal

Law Kumar Mishra

Road and rail communications between India and Nepal has been suspended since Thursday as elections for Nepal Parliament and seven assemblies will take place on November 20.

Indo Nepal friendship state bus service launched in 2020 have been suspended alongwith private bus operations between different parts of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh

The Jaynagar_ Janakpur DMU services are suspended as Nepal government closed the rail track at Kurtha.

All trucks and four wheelers have been stopped at Raxaul check post as Nepal Prahari has sealed Birganj highway with barbed wire barricades.Tankers carrying petroleum products for Nepal Oil Corporation are also stranded at Indian side. 

This journalist who stayed in Nepal met many people and to the surprise found,people still rever King,do not favour Communists who overthrew Monarchy,unemployment is the biggest problem.

An interaction with our cab driver,47 years old Vanraj Adhikari from British School to Tribhuwan international airport on the coming elections in the Himalayan kingdom was more than enough to seek opinion of intellectuals on TV channels.

Vanraj who proudly declared his credentials as a devout Hindu,displays Shikha on his head,Tilak on the forehead,says” we have seen monarchy,the ten governments since 2008,( when monarchy was abolished) are  corrupt.Earlier,only one authority_ the Palace may be corrupt,but now every one corrupt,there is no threat of the Pashupatinath on these corrupt politicians.

Now,we want a change,will prefer the new wave politicians,young doctors and engineers,Nepali rappers,and reject the families of traditional politicians,A beginning has been made.he said and recalled” Balendra Shah alias Balle,an engineering graduate from Bangalore was elected Mayor of Kathmandu by over 36.000 votes though he was an independent.

In Dahelkudra ,the five times,Prime Minister,Sher Bahadur Deuba of Nepal Communist Party faces an uphill task against 31 years old engineering graduate,Sagar Dhakal.who tells electorate with his symbol” syringe”, ” with this syringe,I will treat the ailing  political system”.

In Lalitpur,another young candidate is Dr Toshima Karkel with her Bell symbol.Candidate of the National Independent Party has been asked by the Election Commission not to press Bell as it causes noise pollution.

Ramesh Kharel,head of the Nepal Sushasan Party is active in the campaign asking people to elect freshers who would be honest.Described as Singham of Nepal Prahari( police), he took VRS,declined promotion as police chief  for ” clean politics”.He saud” we can not afford to give these leaders licence to loot”.

He wants retirement of traditional politicians,said Sushasan Party chief.

To attract young voters,former PMs like Pushp Kamal Dahal and KPSharma Oili too visited Night Clubs and performed Nepali Rap pieces

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