Saga of Gallantry Sorties: Miracles of IAF men in air

Team News Riveting

New Delhi, August 15

The President of India, Ram Nath Kovind conferred gallantry awards on the Flying Pilot of Indian Air Force (IAF) for displaying exemplary courage and bravery in the air. Meet the men whose sorties tell the heroic stories:


Group Captain Perminder Antil

Group Captain Perminder Antil (26686) Flying (Pilot) is the Commanding Officer of a Su-30 MKI Squadron since January 2020. On 21 September 2020, during a sortie from the front cockpit of a Su-30 aircraft, he experienced unprecedented and vicious oscillations in the longitudinal and lateral planes with gravitational forces rapidly varying from +9G to -1.5G, coupled with the aircraft uncontrollably banking to the left and other control failure indications. Overcoming ‘black-out’ conditions encountered due to the extremely high ‘G’ conditions, he manually dampened the aircraft oscillations and also checked the safety of his weapon system operator. While controlling the aircraft, he turned away from populated area to ensure no loss of civilian life or property in case of a probable ejection. As he initiated a priority recovery, the aircraft once again encountered vicious oscillations, with the control of the aircraft requiring large amount of pressures on the control column by the pilot. The officer applied his superior systems knowledge and opted for some unconventional recovery actions. As a result of his judgement and skilful handling, the oscillations reduced and the aircraft was recovered safely. During these life-threatening circumstances, the pilot maintained his composure, displayed exemplary courage and maintained his presence of mind. His superior piloting skills ensured safety of a national asset worth hundreds of crores of Rupees and precluded possible damage to life and property on ground in case of an ejection.  

            For this act of exceptional gallantry, exemplary standards of professionalism and contribution to aerospace safety, Group Captain Perminder Antil has been conferred with the Shaurya Chakra


Wg Cdr Varun Singh

On 12 Oct 20, he was flying a system check sortie in LCA, away from parent base, after major rectification of Flight Control System (FCS) and pressurisation system (life support environment control system). 

During the sortie, the cockpit pressurisation failed at high altitude. He correctly identified the failure and initiated a descent to lower altitude for landing.  While descending, the Flight Control System failed and led to total loss of control of the aircraft.  This was an unprecedented catastrophic failure that had never occurred. There was a rapid loss of altitude while in usual attitude, with the aircraft pitching up and down viciously going to the extremities of G limits. Despite being in extreme physical and mental stress in an extreme life-threatening situation, he maintained exemplary composure and regained control of the aircraft, thereby exhibiting exceptional flying skill. Soon thereafter, at about 10,000 feet, the aircraft again experienced total loss of control with vicious manoeuvring and uncontrollable pitching. Under such a scenario, the pilot was at liberty to abandon aircraft. Faced with a potential hazard to his own life, he displayed extraordinary courage and skill to safely land the fighter aircraft. The pilot went beyond the call of duty and landed the aircraft taking calculated risks.  This allowed an accurate analysis of the fault on the indigenously designed fighter and further institution of preventive measures against recurrence. Due to his high order of professionalism, composure and quick decision making, even at the peril to his life, he not only averted the loss of an LCA, but also safeguarded civilian property and population on ground.  

            For this act of exceptional gallantry, Wg Cdr Varun Singh is conferred with the Shaurya Chakra. 


Wing Commander Uttar Kumar

Wing Commander Uttar Kumar (27689) Flying (Pilot) is a pilot in a Sukhoi-30 MKI Squadron since July 2017. 

On 04 August 2020, Wg Cdr Uttar Kumar was authorised to fly Air to Air Refueling Instructional sortie.  During the mission, the refueling hose broke free from the pod of the other Su-30 MKI while the drogue was still connected to his aircraft probe. The snapped hose whiplashed towards the aircraft and violently impacted the canopy and the airframe; because of which the aircraft experienced very strong pitch up moment and vicious oscillations.  The snapping of hose had also resulted in a fuel leak from the mother aircraft.  Despite experiencing an unknown emergency involving abrupt aircraft oscillations in the vicinity of another aircraft, he calmly assessed the situation and retained complete control. He immediately advised the crew of the mother aircraft to take certain actions that stopped fuel leak and facilitated its safe recovery. 

Since the flying controls of his aircraft were restricted in movement, with a strong tendency to pitch up, a large amount of pressure and exceptional flying skill was required to pilot the aircraft for a safe recovery. He planned the recovery pattern meticulously, since the vision to the right was negligible owing to the blackening of the canopy post impact. He quickly calculated the optimum speed to fly to ensure that the aircraft could be controlled.  He exercised superior flying skills and gave unconventional control inputs on approach to land the aircraft safely.  Post landing, the hose was found to be entangled with the undercarriage D-door as well, and it posed a substantial risk of fire. In the moment of life endangering situation which could have led to ejection of both the pilots, his exemplary courage and piloting skills were instrumental in safe recovery of not only his aircraft but also the other aircraft. 

For this act of exceptional courage, Wing Commander Uttar Kumar is conferred with Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry).  


Squadron Leader Deepak Mohanan

Squadron Leader Deepak Mohanan (30223) Flying (Pilot) is on deputation with a Coast Guard Squadron since April 2017. 

On 04 September 2020, Sqn Ldr Mohanan, as captain of a Chetak Helicopter, displayed extraordinary courage and professional skills of a very high order wherein he carried out damage assessment of fire and explosion on-board MT Diamond, a Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) off the east coast of Sri Lanka, carrying 3.40 lakh metric tonnes of crude oil. During the seven days operation that followed, he undertook 12 sorties clocking 14:25 hrs which required frequent deck landings on-board various class of Indian Coast Guard ships and directed the ships in efficient firefighting and for aerial survey of the oil spill. All these operations were over sea in marginal conditions, poor visibility and strong gusty winds in excess of 30 knots, under dangerous sea state. The officer relentlessly pursued the mission despite immense risk to his life. The officer’s bravery and unwavering resolve with scant regard to personal safety are in the spirit of the highest traditions of the Service. The incredible and spirited response by the officer contributed towards the huge fire being doused and prevented the possible threat of explosion and oil spill which brought singular credit to Indian Coast Guard in international waters. 

For this act of exceptional courage, Sqn Ldr Deepak Mohanan is conferred with the Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry).

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