SAIL-Bhilai on save land drive

Statutory notice issued against encroachments on BSP’s properties in the township

Globe Chowk in the BSP township (a representational image)

Team News Riveting

Raipur, May 15

SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant has been taking several anti-encroachment actions against illegal occupants, and land mafias on BSP’s lands in the township and other areas.

Frequent campaigns are led by the BSP management to abrogate the menace of land encroachers, illegal banners, posters, occupants, land mafias, and individuals involved in the illegal Sale, and Purchase of BSP’s land and properties. Awareness activities are also held from time to time to make people aware of such illegal acts.

However, despite such initiatives, acts of encroachment and other illegal transactions are being reported. Several unscrupulous persons are also found to be doing unlawful activities on BSP Land, such as encroaching on BSP Land and vacant Quarters, putting unauthorized kiosks and Thelas on BSP’s lands, placing/erecting unauthorized Flex Posters and hoardings, in BSP’s area, etc. The official hoardings of BSP have also been encroached on at several places in the township. It is noteworthy that misusing and defacing government property and using it for one’s benefit is a punishable offense. Despite repeated action, the menace continues in the BSP Township, which has increased the possibility of road accidents and harmed the cleanliness and beauty of the city.

In view of the same, the SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant management has issued a Public Notice with final Statutory Warnings against such individuals, to thereby abstain from committing such illegal acts, failing which the management shall take appropriate punitive legal actions against such individuals. Through the notice, the BSP Management has also cautioned the citizens to not be involved in any illegitimate transactions concerning the Sale, Lease, License, or Purchase in respect of SAIL-BSP’s properties, including land, buildings, and houses, with persons who may be misrepresenting themselves either as the Owner of such properties or as an agent of SAIL-BSP.

It is noteworthy that in the event anyone occupies the SAIL-BSP properties through such dealings, legal actions under the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants) Act 1971 shall be initiated against such trespasser(s) at their cost and risk. It is pertinent to mention that SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant never lets out any of its residences on rent, and no person is authorized to rent BSP’s residences.

SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant appeals to all citizens to abstain from any such unlawful acts, and all suspicious activities should be reported to BSP’s authorities and the Police Department, without delay. Stringent legal action shall be taken by the concerned departments of Bhilai Steel Plant, against such anti-social elements, brokers, and land mafia. It has been appealed to the Bhilai citizens to be alert, protect themselves by being aware, and also help the BSP Administration in keeping others safe.

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