SAIL-Bhilai plate mill marks 40th anniversary

SAIL-Bhilai officials celebrating the event

Team News Riveting

Raipur, March 29

The Plate Mill of SAIL- Bhilai Steel Plant, a leading manufacturer of high-quality steel plates in the country, celebrated its 40th birthday day on Wednesday.

It was on this very day, i.e., 29th of March in the year 1983 that Plate Mill produced its very first plate.

Since its establishment, Plate Mill has been producing high quality steel plates for its customers. The Mill has produced a wide range of steel plates that meet the industry’s most stringent demands. The Mill is proud that its steel plates have been used in the making of India’s indigenously made aircraft carrier, INS Vikrant and the Gaganyaan project. A staggering 33 Million Tonnes of Steel Plates have been cumulatively produced since inception.

To mark the event, Director In-charge, Bhilai Steel Plant, Anirban Dasgupta cut a specially designed cake in front of the beautifully decorated first ever rolled plate of the Mill. Addressing the gathering, Shri Dasgupta said “forty years ago, we started this journey with a vision to produce best quality steel plates. Today, we celebrate all our achievements in the area of plate making and are proud of our team that has worked together to reach this milestone”. Plate Mill should now prepare itself for a journey of another 40 years, he added.

Lauding the Plate Mill team, Executive Director, Works, Shri Anjani Kumar, said “an important milestone has been reached by Plate Mill. He expressed his desire to see Plate Mill reach greater heights and achieve tougher targets.”

Executive Director, Personnel, M M Gadre reminisced his stint in Plate Mill.

Chief General Manager, Plate Mill, Ravindra Kumar Bisare, gave the entire credit for the Mill’s achievements to his team and the support structure provided by the allied agencies. He also noted that it is due to the blessings and guidance provided by the Director In-charge and Executive Director Works of Bhilai Steel Plant that Plate Mill has the confidence to take up even more tougher targets.

Also present on this auspicious occasion were Dr Ravindranath, CMO In charge (Medical Services), M M Gadre, Executive Director (Personnel), P K Sarkar, CGM In-charge Services, S K Ghosal, CGM SMS 2, M K Goyal, CGM MWRM, Tusharkant, CGM SRM, Sanjay Kumar, GM In-charge PPC.

President of Officer Association N K Banchhor and his team, Union representatives Anand Pandey, R Dinesh and Shravan Kumar were also present.

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