SAIL-Bhilai rail makes new records

A file picture of URM

Team News Riveting

Raipur, October 14

SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant’s Universal Rail Mill (URM) has made many records in different production parameters on Thursday as far as rolling, straightening and welding of 260m panels is concerned.

Rolling of 401 rails is the ever best day record,  surpassing the previous record of rolling of 400 rails on 16.03.2022. Similarly straightening of 390 rails through bi-planar straightening machine is a tremendous achievement and the shop has surpassed the previous record of 384 rails that was set on 16.03.2022.

Welding of 179 panels of 260m is a jump from the previous best of 166 panels that was made on 31.08.2022. URM is now on the track of achieving the rated capacity very soon that will fulfill all the demand of Indian Railways regarding Long Rail panels.

Anirban Dasgupta, Director I/c (BSP) congratulated the URM fraternity and at the same time congratulated the associated departments like SMS-3, PPC, RCL, INCOS,T&D and INSTRUMENTATION along with other allied agencies.

Anjani Kumar, ED (Works) of BSP was present in the wee hours of the morning along with URM collective to witness the breaking of records. He congratulated the entire URM collective for the excellent performance. Anish Sengupta, CGM (URM) accepted the compliments and gave credits to his team and other associated departments and agencies for the feat.

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