SAIL-Bhilai SMS-2 hits century, posts highest production in a day

Director I/c BSP Anirban Dasgupta along with team SMS-2

Team News Riveting

Raipur, December 11

The Steel Melting Shop (SMS)-2 of the Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP), an entity of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), achieved historic milestone of making 100 heats in a day on Saturday.

The record production surpasses previous best of 96 heats achieved more than 11 years back in January 2011.

In yet another achievement, the high speed Caster 6 made record of 36 heats in a single sequence (tundish guaranteed life 17 heats), surpassing previous best of 35 heats achieved on 6th December 2022.

It had been planned that Modex unit, SMS-III shall be under total shut-down for 24 hours on 10th December 22, from morning 6 AM and that the total hot-metal produced by Blast Furnaces of BSP on 10th Dec 22 was to be consumed by SMS-II only.

With planned shutdown in SMS 3, SMS 2 consumed all hot metal produced & scored a century of heats, surpassing prev record of 96 heats in a day in Jan 2011. For the first time, 5 casters in SMS 2 were operated concurrently in A shift including high speed Caster No 6.

The record performance was made possible through meticulous planning and execution under the leadership of CGM, SMS 2 S K Ghoshal.

Director I/c BSP Anirban Dasgupta and ED (Works) Anjani Kumar visited SMS 2 today to congratulate the SMS 2 team and supporting shops and agencies.

Significantly, for the first time in the history of SAIL-BSP’s SMS-II, five casters were run concurrently for two-and-a-half hours in A shift. Highest Shift production figure of 38 heats was recorded in A Shift.

SMS-II had already geared itself up to take up the mammoth challenge to consume all the hot-metal produced on 10th Dec 22. 

Brainstorming pre-sessions were held by the shop leadership in conjunction with section heads of SMS 2 and other supporting shops and departments. 

Meticulous planning, flawless execution and  synchronous team-work by SMS-II collective of A Shift helped in achieving ever highest Shift production figure of 38 heats in A Shift.

What is significant is that  for the first time in the history of SMS-II, five Casters were run concurrently for two-and-a-half hours, high speed Caster#6 being one of them.

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