SAIL-Rourkela Hot Strip Mill makes highest single day HR Coil rolling

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Team News Riveting

Rourkela, July 13

The state-of-the-art Hot Strip Mill–2 of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) has registered the record single day Hot Rolled (HR) Coil production on 12th July, 2023.

The Mill rolled 9030 tons of slabs and produced HR Coils weighing 8797 tons, which are its best performance since inception.  The previous best single day rolling of 8850 tons of slab was achieved on 28th December, 2022 while the earlier best single day production of 8521 Tons of coil was achieved on 26th June, 2023.

 Atanu Bhowmick, Director In-Charge, Rourkela Steel Plant with Additional charge of DIC, Boakro Steel Plant along with S R Suryawanshi, ED (Works), P K Satapathy, ED (P&A) and P K Sahoo, ED (Projects) P K Rath, CGM in-charge (Mines), A K Behuria, CGM In-charge (F&A) and  Debabrata Dutta, CGM In Charge (Services) visited HSM-2 on 13th July 2023 to congratulate the collective for the remarkable performance and presented sweets to the employees. Several Chief General Managers, other Senior Officers and a large number of employees were present on the occasion.  

The employees of HSM-2 and associated departments assured the top management of their commitment to give the best for taking the plant to greater heights.

Hot Strip Mill-2, with a capacity of 3 Million Tonnes per annum (MTPA), is an avant-garde facility in India that specializes in the production of world-class HR coils.

Equipped with the latest and sophisticated technology, the Mill meets the stringent requirements of the customers in terms of quality, finish, dimensions and other parameters.

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