SAIL, RSP hosts familiarisation programme on Responsible Steel Certification

The officials at the session

Team News Riveting

Rourkela, June 18

A familiarisation programme “Responsible Steel Certification” was organised on at ED (Works) conference Hall on Saturday.

S R Suryawanshi, ED (Works) presided over the session. It was attended by the Chief General Managers and Heads of Department of the Plant. Two member team of Messrs Earnst and Young lead by Ms. Alka Upadhyay presented an overview of the importance,  process  and benefits of the certification.

Speaking on the occasion, Suryawanshi said that such certification is the need of the hour. He stressed upon the need of identifying gaps with regard to the existing standards and the 12 principles as per certification requirements.

He urged all to find ways to bridging them, formulating plans and strategies and draw a road map to remain at par with stringent global requirements of environment, climate change and sustainability.

The experts explained in details the concept and credibility of the certification, its benefits and the 12 principles governing certification such as Corporate Leadership, Sustainability, Environmental Social Governance, Occupational Health and Safety, Human Rights,  Labour Rights, Stakeholder engagement, Local Communities, Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Emission,  Emissions, Effluents and Waste, Water Stewardship, Biodiversity and Decommissioning and Closure. The presentation was followed by open house discussion where clarification were sought and discussed.

At the outset Atish Chandra Sarkar, CGM (Quality) welcomed the gathering and coordinated the session. Notably this was the second familiarisation session at RSP.

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