Sasikala held “guilty” in Jayalalithaa’s death

A file picture of Jayalalithaa with Sasikala

Team News Riveting

Chennai, October 18

The Tamil Nadu government on Tuesday tabled the reports of separate Commissions of Inquiry in the state legislative assembly that looked into the circumstances surrounding the death of former Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa.

The Justice A Arumughaswamy Commission of Inquiry that probed the circumstances leading to Jayalalithaa’s death in 2016 concluded that V K Sasikala, the late Chief Minister’s confidante, “have to be found fault with and investigation is to be ordered.” The report has made startling revelations, including some information the AIADMK leader’s final days and her relationship with Sasikala.

According to the report, Sasikala’s relative Krishnapriya in her claims to the Arumughaswamy Commission had said Jayalalithaa and Sasikala were not in good terms with each other. She further said Sasikala was called back to Poes Garden only because she was acting as per Jaya’s ‘wish’ and that after promising she would not involve in political matters.

The report added that the former chief minister was given a paracetamol before getting admitted. The commission had questioned the rationale behind not performing angioplasty despite medical suggestion. It also recommended that Apollo Hospital’s Prathap C Reddy should be probed.

Jaya’s treatment went ahead only after Sasikala’s nod. The report said there were discrepancies on the time and date of Jaya’s death. Even Jaya’s doctor was aware of her illness before admission.

The commission also quizzed the motive behind booking over 10 rooms occupied by family members of Sasikala on the floor where Jaya was treated at Apollo Hospitals on Greams Road. It also enquired who brought Dr Sameen Sharma into the team of doctors that treated Jaya?

The report said it needed to be probed why did Dr Babu, despite suggestions from Dr Richard Beale and Dr Stuart Russel, decide to postpone Angioplasty?

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