SECL has potential to achieve 200 MT coal production, says CMD in New Year message

Dr Prem Sagar Mishra, SECL CMD

Team News Riveting

Raipur, January 1

Chairman-cum-Managing Director of South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) Dr Prem Sagar Mishra said the company had a potential to produce 200 million tonnes (MT) of dry fuel.

“We have the potential and determination to be the first company in Coal India Limited (CIL) to reach 200 million tons (tonnes) of coal production,” Mishra said in his New Year message to the employees. As they closed the door on an eventful year for SECL, they are proud to have achieved many important milestones despite facing numerous challenges such as land, and Resettlement and Rehabilitation constraints, he added.

The CMD said, “While we are proud of the progress we made in 2022, we also recognize that our performance did not meet our capacity and expectations.” This has left them with the challenge of achieving annual targets for the fiscal 2022-23 with limited time remaining, he added.

The Bilaspur-Chhattisgarh-based arm of CIL has set a target to produce 182 MT of coal in the current financial year 2022-23 (FY23). Last year, it failed to meet the target. The company recorded 142.51 MT production in the financial year 2021-22 amidst battling serious challenges inflicted by unpredictable monsoon and the second wave of COVID.

Mishra said that while they cannot change targets or alter the past, they can make a positive impact on the present and future by shifting the performance in a new direction, starting on the very day of this new year. “Let’s work together to make the most of this opportunity and strive for success in 2023,” he added.

The CMD said SECL had always been a pioneer in adopting new technology and techniques, and would continue to lead the way in sustainable mining and ESG (environment, social, governance).

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