Sharad Pawar punches, will change the game in 3 months

Sharad Pawar

Team News Riveting

Mumbai, July 3

Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar on Monday said he would change the entire game within 3 months and the MLAs who went with Ajit Pawar would return to the party fold.

“Those who left me have never won election,” Pawar said while interacting with the media after Sunday’s political shock in Maharashtra. The party founded by Sharad Pawar in 1999 suffered a vertical split on Sunday after his nephew Ajit Pawar broke ranks and joined the Shiv Sena-BJP government as deputy chief minister. Eight other NCP MLAs, including staunch Sharad Pawar loyalists like Chhagan Bhujbal and Dilip Walse Patil, were made ministers.

The veteran leader said he had faced such situation earlier also and could claim by his experience they could expect good news ahead. “Many MLAs who went with Ajit Pawar called him and said they were ideological connected to the NCP and would take a final call very soon,” Pawar said.  

The NCP chief said they would not take action against the leaders who went with Ajit Pawar. He added that he did not do politics by harbouring malaise against anyone. He said there was a need to fight forces creating communal divide in Maharashtra and the country.

Sharad Pawar later went to Karad and visited the memorial of his mentor and Maharashtra’s first chief minister Yashwantrao Chavan. He paid floral tribute to him.

Addressing NCP workers and supporters in Karad, Pawar also said “some of our people fell prey to BJP’s tactics to break other parties.”  “In the next few months, we will get an opportunity to go to the people and with their help, we will push these tendencies aside and once again we will create a system that will work in the interest of the common people,” he said.

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