Tata Steel UISL celebrates World Earth Day

Team News Riveting

Jamshedpur, April 22

As part of its commitment to environmental sustainability, Tata Steel Utilities and Infrastructure Services Limited (TSUISL) celebrated World Earth Day at Kadma today.

More than 300 trees of Karanj, Putranjiva and Bakul species were planted on this occasion. The plantation drive is part of Tata Steel UISL’s wider environmental sustainability initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions, conserving natural resources, and protecting biodiversity.

The tree plantation drive was led by the chief guest Chankaya Chaudhary, Vice President, Corporate Services, Tata Steel along with Ritu Raj Sinha, Managing Director, Tata Steel UISL and Pranay Sinha, Chief, Corporate Services, Tata Steel. Also present on this occasion were Raghunath Pandey, President JSU, Capt. Dhananjay Mishra, Senior GM TSUISL and senior leadership team of TSUISL. The senior leadership team also participated in planting various species of trees.

Chaudhary addressed the gathering and said, “This day is celebrated globally to create awareness about the importance of planting trees and protecting our environment. Trees play a crucial role in shaping our planet’s biodiversity, ecosystems, climate, and cultures. I am sure that the local community in Jamshedpur will actively participate in such endeavors.”

Speaking on the occasion, Ritu Raj Sinha said, “As a responsible Corporate Citizen, our Company has set high standards for itself on various sustainability parameters including environment and water management. We are committed to sustainability at the core of our approach, ensuring a positive
impact on the environment.”

It may be noted here that Karanj is a medium-sized, fast-growing evergreen or occasionally deciduous tree that usually reaches a height of around 8 meters,but can grow to 15-25 meters. Its canopy can spread up to 15-20 meters wide. Putranjiva is a well-known, moderate-sized evergreen tree that can grow up to 12 meters in height. It has pendant branches with dark grey bark that has horizontal lenticels, and Bakul is an evergreen tree that can reach a height of about 16 meters with a well-defined, dense, rounded canopy.

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