Threat by no means has reduced on Lakadh border, says Army Chief

Army Chief General M M Naravane

Team News Riveting

New Delhi, January 12

Army Chief General M M Naravane said that while there had been partial engagement on the eastern Ladakh border row, the threat by no means had reduced.

Addressing the annual press conference today, he said the Indian Army had continued to maintain highest level of operational preparedness while at the same time engaging with Chinese PLA in dialogue. “While there has been partial engagement, the threat by no means has reduced,” General Naravane said, adding that they will continue to deal with Chinese PLA in a firm and resolute manner.

He said necessary safeguards were in place to take care of any contingencies along India’s northern border. The Army Chief said upgradation and development of infrastructure along Northern borders has been carried out in a holistic and comprehensive manner. Major efforts are undertaken to see what all dual-use infrastructure is there in the civil domain that can be made use of.

On the western front, there is an increase in the concentration of terrorists in various launch pads and there have been repeated attempts of infiltration across the Line of Control (LoC). “This once again exposes the nefarious designs of our western neighbour,” the Army Chief said.

“Since January last year, there have been positive developments along our northern and western borders. On northern borders we have continued to maintain the highest level of operational preparedness,” General said.

“War or conflict is always an instrument of last resort. But if resorted to, we will come out victorious,” the Army Chief added.

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