Transgenders oppose caste tag

A Representational image

Law Kumar Mishra

Patna, April 7

As the second phase of caste census in Bihar begins on April 15, members of the third gender group have opposed their classification as a Caste and given code  22.

Reshma, spokesperson of the transgenders association here claimed that their population was one per cent in the state. “We are born as transgenders, irrespective of caste. We are third gender and not caste,” she said.

Reshma added that general administration departments should amend the notification marking transgenders into caste identity with code number 22 and treat them as Third Gender only.

Women in Bihar have 35 per cent reservations in jobs, 50 per cent in panchayats and third generation should also have one per cent reservation.

She claimed under the Transgenders Protection Act, 2019, third genders are only Genders, not included in a caste group.

Under the proposed caste census,there are 214 caste codes identified in Bihar and third generation are given code number 22. Their sub-groups are known as Kinnar and Kedhis in Bihar.

Brahmins are recognised as 126, Bhumihars 142, Yadav’s 162. Marwaris have been excluded from the caste code and bracketed with Baniyas.

Training for the enumerators has started at all block headquarters. They have been told to ask 17 questions to the people and record them on line too.

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