Unanimous support gladdening, says Prime Minister after Rajya Sabha passes women quota bill

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Team News Riveting

New Delhi, September 21

Prime Minister Narendra Modi “congratulated 140 crore Indians” after the Rajya Sabha unanimously passed the historic women’s reservation bill on Thursday.

In all, 215 Members of Rajya Sabha voted in favour, while none opposed the bill, which now needs the President’s assent to make 33 per cent reservation for women in Lok Sabha and state Assemblies official.

Prime Minister Modi called it a “defining moment” in India’s “democratic journey”. In a Twitter post, the Prime Minister said, “I thank all the Rajya Sabha MPs who voted for the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam. Such unanimous support is indeed gladdening.”

The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and Leader of the House today thanked all political parties for their support and meaningful debate regarding The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-Eighth Amendment) Bill, 2023 in the Lok Sabha. The Bill, the first major item of business in the New Parliament Building, was debated and passed in Lok Sabha yesterday.

The Prime Minister rose as the proceedings began today and referred to the ‘golden moment of the Parliamentary journey of India’ yesterday and credited all the members of all the parties and their leaders for the achievement. He said that yesterday’s decision and upcoming culmination in Rajya Sabha will change the mood of Matrushakti and the confidence that it will create will emerge as an unimaginable force for taking the country to new heights.

“To accomplish this sacred task, I, as the leader of the House, have stood to acknowledge and express gratitude from the bottom of my heart for your contribution, support and meaningful debate,” the Prime Minister said.

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